Buchs (St. Gallen), CH


September 18-20, 2024


Engage in our upcoming conference by sharing your innovative research and insights. We welcome submissions that demonstrate cutting-edge developments, novel approaches, and groundbreaking research in qNMR.



The submission deadline for talks has passed on May 15th. We’ll evaluate poster submissions until August 16th.

Submit your work



Please be aware that the presenting author of each accepted submission must complete their conference registration and settle the registration fee before the early registration deadline. Any abstracts from authors who do not comply with this requirement will be excluded from the conference.


Types of submissions

We encourage the submission of papers that offer unique perspectives and innovative solutions. We are particularly interested in research that not only challenges the status quo but also proposes practical, scalable solutions. Contributions that demonstrate comprehensive research, strategic growth strategies, and the integration of both internal and external resources are highly valued.

Oral presentations

Submission process

We invite you to share your valuable research and insights at our symposium. Engage with peers and leaders in your field through this unique platform for knowledge exchange and networking.

Content Submission

We are recruiting speakers to discuss their scientific efforts in these general areas of interest:

    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Foods
    • Polymers
    • Forensics
    • Reaction monitoring
    • Signal enhancement
    • Software
    • Other

01. Abstract Information

Submit your title and a concise abstract by the set deadline to be sure to be able to present your work in 15 minutes of presentation followed by a 5-minute Q&A session

02. Web Submission

Submit your title and a concise abstract by April 30th May 15th, 2024, to participate in the symposium. We welcome innovative and thought-provoking contributions from diverse areas.

03. Oral and Poster Presentations

We are pleased to offer two formats for presenting your work: oral presentations and poster sessions. Oral presentations should be structured as 15 minutes of presentation followed by a 5-minute Q&A session. Posters will be displayed in a dedicated area, providing an opportunity for more interactive discussion and engagement with attendees.


Important notes

We are committed to facilitating a dynamic and impactful symposium. To ensure a smooth and successful event, it’s crucial for all participants to engage actively and adhere to the established guidelines.

Session chair guidelines

As a session chair, your role in guiding discussions and maintaining the session’s flow is invaluable. Please familiarize yourself with the abstracts in your session beforehand and be prepared to facilitate Q&A sessions.

Speaker Guidelines

Speakers are encouraged to prepare presentations that are clear, concise, and engaging. For oral presentations, please prepare for a 15-minute presentation followed by a 5-minute Q&A. Ensure your content is well-organized and rehearse your presentation to fit within the allotted time.

Audiovisual Policy

Each presentation room will be equipped with standard audiovisual equipment, including a projector and a computer. We encourage you to check your presentation’s compatibility with our systems in advance and arrive early to your session for setup. Recording of the session is discouraged.

Code of Conduct

We are dedicated to providing a welcoming and respectful environment for all participants. We expect all attendees, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers to adhere to our code of conduct, which includes respecting diverse viewpoints, maintaining a professional demeanor, and contributing to a harassment-free experience for everyone.